

Acquisition International Magazine has announced winners of the 2016 Legal Awards

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The RGW law office has received an award Commercial Lawyer of the Year – Poland  in the 2016 Legal Awards that is granted every year by the International Acquisition Magazine.

The annual Acquisition International ranking is a guide to the best legal and financial firms in the world whose dedication and client support distinguishes them from the competitors in their respective fields.

More information:

Global Awards 2016 for the Law Office RGW

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We are pleased to inform you that the Law Office RGW was awarded in this year’s edition of the Corporate LiveWire magazine and received the prize Global Awards 2016 in the category “Economic Criminal”.

Annually, the ranking lists firms from all over the world whose achievements in the past 12 months were appreciated by the award committee after thorough review of nominations.

The Law Office RGW was in a circle of a dozen or so law firms from Poland who were honoured in their respective categories.

The full list of prize winners was published on the website:


The problems of contemporary criminal law

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A joint publication entitled “The problems of contemporary criminal law” appeared under the imprint of the Publisher C.H. Beck. Part one was edited by Ms. Beata T. Bieńkowska and Mr Zbigniew Jędrzejewski, Professor, PhD.


The publication included texts of lawyers of the Law Office RGW:

Subsidiary bill of indictment – selected procedural issues

– Anna Porębska, Piotr R. Graczyk

 Offence of judicial fraud in the Polish criminal law

– Wioletta Gwizdała, Marcin Bierla

 Offence of tendering collusion in the Polish and German criminal law – comparative analysis

– Anna Porębska, Marcin Bierla

Other texts were prepared by researchers and associates of the Department of Penal Proceedings of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw.

The study was edited by Doctor Beata T. Bieńkowska, Reader at the Department of Criminal Proceedings of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw and Zbigniew Jędrzejewski, Professor, PhD, professor at the University of Warsaw and judge of the Constitutional Tribunal.

The publication is available at the Bookshop C.H. Beck:,Problemy-wspolczesnego-prawa-karnego.-Czesc-pierwsza.html

CONSULEGIS conference 2016 in Milan

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From 4th to 8th May 2016, partners in the Law Office attended another conference of the Network of Law Firms CONSULEGIS. This time, representatives of member firms met in Milan – the capital of fashion, design, business and soccer.

Members of CONSULEGIS had an opportunity to attend lectures, meetings of working groups dedicated to various fields of law, and behind the scenes to establish and strengthen contacts with lawyers from other countries.

One of the items on the agenda was the general meeting of CONSULEGIS members during which, among other things, the Code of Conduct was adopted. The document contains a number of guidelines on the rules of conduct in relations of the member firms with CONSULEGIS, with other member firms and with clients.

The member firms of CONSULEGIS guarantee their clients professional service and involvement in the cases handled, provide extensive legal assistance and support required in a given case.

Below, you will find the full text of the Code of Conduct:

CONSULEGIS Code of Conduct

Konferencja CONSULEGIS 2016 w Mediolanie

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W dniach 4-8 maja 2016 r. wspólnicy Kancelarii RGW wzięli udział w kolejnej konferencji Stowarzyszenia Firm Prawniczych CONSULEGIS. Tym razem przedstawiciele firm członkowskich spotkali się w Mediolanie – stolicy mody, designu, biznesu i piłki nożnej.

Członkowie CONSULEGIS mieli okazję uczestniczyć w wykładach, spotkaniach grup roboczych poświęconych różnym dziedzinom prawa, a w kuluarach nawiązywać i pogłębiać kontakty z prawnikami z innych krajów.

Jednym z punktów programu było walne zgromadzenie członków CONSULEGIS, w trakcie którego przyjęto Kodeks dobrych praktyk („Code of conduct”). Dokument zawiera szereg wytycznych co do zasad postępowania w relacjach firm członkowskich z CONSULEGIS, z innymi firmami członkowskimi, a także z klientami.

Firmy zrzeszone w CONSULEGIS zapewniają swoim klientom profesjonalną obsługę i zaangażowanie w prowadzone sprawy, udzielają kompleksowej pomocy prawnej oraz wsparcia wymaganego w danej sprawie.

Poniżej pełny tekst Kodeksu dobrych praktyk:

CONSULEGIS Code of Conduct

Mr Piotr R. Graczyk nominated to be an arbitrator and Secretary of Arbitration Tribunal for Sport at the Polish Olympic Committee.

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On 2nd February 2016, Mr Piotr R. Graczyk, managing partner of the RGW Law Firm, was appointed a member of the Committee of the Tribunal and Secretary of the Arbitration Tribunal for Sport at the Polish Olympic Committee for the period from 2016 to 2019.

Mr Piotr R. Graczyk is an arbitrator of the Tribunal for the second time (previously during the period of2012-2015). The term of the current arbitrators of the Tribunal begun on 1st January 2016. It ends on 31st December 2019.

Arbitration Tribunal for Sport at Polish Olympic Committee is a regular arbitration court, which was found in 1994. The activity of the Tribunal is based on the act of 25th June 2010 on sport and by the Bylaws and Rules of the Tribunal. The Tribunal acts no only as a regular arbitration court but it also resolves disputes originated from appeals against final disciplinary decisions of Polish sport associations.

Zdjęcie ze Zgromadzenia Arbitrów 2016

Result of the competition for the best master’s thesis

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This is to inform that by the decision of the judging panel made up of:

Mr Piotr R. Graczyk, advocate, as the chairman

Mr Wojciech Cieślak, Ph.D., advocate, professor of the University of Warmia and Mazury

Mr Wojciech Rocławski, legal adviser and Rechtsanwalt

the winner of the first competition for the best master’s thesis in the area of the law on combating unfair competition organized by the Unfair Competition & Compliance Law Portal and RGW Rocławski Graczyk i Wspólnicy Adwokacka Spółka Jawna is

 Mr Konrad Kowalski

 a graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk

 with the master’s thesis entitled

“Hindering access to the market in the light of article 15, section 1, subsection 4 of the Act on combating unfair competition

 The winner will receive prize money of CHF 1,000.00, opportunity to be on placement with the RGW Office in Warsaw or Berlin as well as a one-year access to the e-platform sPrawnik.

 We warmly congratulate the winner, and we thank other competitors for their participation.

 We invite all those interested to take part in the next edition of the competition.

Rozstrzygnięcie konkursu na pracę magisterską

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Uprzejmie informujemy, że decyzją Komisji Konkursowej w składzie:

adwokat Piotr R. Graczyk jako przewodniczący

adwokat dr hab. Wojciech Cieślak, prof. UWM

radca prawny & Rechtsanwalt Wojciech Rocławski

laureatem I edycji konkursu na najlepszą pracę magisterską z zakresu prawa zwalczania nieuczciwej konkurencji, organizowanego przez Unfair Competition & Compliance Law Portal oraz RGW Rocławski Graczyk i Wspólnicy Adwokacką Spółkę Jawną, został

 Pan Konrad Kowalski

absolwent Wydziału Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego

z pracą magisterską pod tytułem

„Utrudnianie dostępu do rynku w świetle art. 15 ust. 1 pkt 4 ustawy o zwalczaniu nieuczciwej konkurencji”

Laureat otrzyma nagrodę pieniężną w wysokości 1.000 CHF, możliwość odbycia stażu w Kancelarii RGW w Warszawie lub w Berlinie, jak również roczny dostęp do platformy e-learningowej sPrawnik.

Gratulujemy serdecznie zwycięzcy, a pozostałym uczestnikom konkursu dziękujemy za udział.

Wszystkich zainteresowanych zapraszamy do udziału w kolejnej edycji konkursu.

Mr Wojciech Cieślak, Ph.D., co-editing the practical commentary on the Code of Criminal Procedure

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Recently, under the imprint of the publishing house Delfin the publication “The Code of Crimnal Procedure. Practical commentary to amendments” appeared being edited by Mr Wojciech Cieślak, Mr Kazimierz J. Pawelec and Mr Igor Tuleja.

It is a joint commentary on the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure focusing on practical aspects of individual regulations of the Code.

The publication is of essential importance in the context of a thorough reform of criminal procedure which became effective as of 1st July 2015 because the application of the new provisions of the CCP still raises numerous doubts of practical nature both among prosecutors, police officers and the aggrieved, accused, their attorneys and defence counsels.

One of the authors of the commentary is Mr Wojciech Cieślak, Ph.D., a barrister, professor at the UWM, senior counsel with the Law Office RGW.

KPK komentarz praktyczny

Dr hab. Wojciech Cieślak współredaktorem praktycznego komentarza do KPK

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Nakładem wydawnictwa Difin ukazała się ostatnio publikacja „Kodeks postępowania karnego. Praktyczny komentarz do zmian” pod redakcją Wojciecha Cieślaka, Kazimierza J. Pawelca oraz Igora Tulei.

Jest to zbiorowy komentarz do przepisów Kodeksu postępowania karnego, skupiający się na praktycznych aspektach poszczególnych regulacji kodeksowych.

Publikacja ma istotne znaczenie w kontekście gruntownej reformy procedury karnej, która weszła w życie 1 lipca 2015 r.

Stosowanie nowych przepisów KPK budzi bowiem jeszcze wiele wątpliwości natury praktycznej zarówno wśród prokuratorów, funkcjonariuszy Policji, jak i pokrzywdzonych, oskarżonych, ich pełnomocników i obrońców.

Jednym z redaktorów komentarza jest Adwokat dr hab. prof. UWM Wojciech Cieślak, senior counsel w Kancelarii RGW.