We provide the services of legal consultancy to entrepreneurs active in transportation and forwarding business. We deal with both the national and international transportation law.

We offer assistance in drawing up agreements with contractors, substitute a Client in contacts with government offices, inspections or insurers.

We also represent our Clients in legal disputes before courts in Poland and in Germany in cases decided in compliance with the provisions of applicable national law and the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR).

We have considerable experience of asserting claims for cargo damage as well as claims for payment for transportation services provided.

Important legal instruments:



Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch, abbr “HGB”) The Act of 15 November 1984, Transportation Law (Prawo przewozowe)
The Act of 23 April 1964, Civil Code (Kodeks cywilny)
The Act on Transportation of Goods by Road(Güterkraftverkehrsgesetz, abbr “GüKG”) The Act of 6 September 2001 on Road Transport(Ustawa o transporcie drogowym)
The Act on the Personnel Driving Trucks and Trams (Gesetz über das Fahrpersonal von Kraftfahrzeugen und Straßenbahnen, abbr “FPersG”) The Act of 16 April 2004 on Working Time of Drivers (Ustawa o czasie pracy kierowców)
The Act on Transportation of Hazardous Goods(Gesetz über die Beförderung gefährlicher Güter, abbr “GGBefG”) The Act of 28 October 2002 on Road Transport of Hazardous Goods (Ustawa o przewozie drogowym towarów niebezpiecznych)
Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of goods (CMR) of 19 May 1956