The Law Office RGW Roclawski Rechtsanwälte offers to its Clients consultancy in the area of broadly understood labour law.

Our services include preparation of draft contracts of employment (including contracts with board members of companies), notices to terminate contracts of employment, agreements to terminate employment relationship with mutual consent of the parties, notices to amend conditions of employment and remuneration, announcements to employees about a transfer of the work place, notices to trade unions and other documents important from an employer’s point of view.

We represent our Clients before the Polish and German labour courts at all stages of proceedings (excluding proceedings before the German BGH), which applies both to the exchange of pleadings and appearance at hearings, sessions or meetings with a mediator.

We are at your disposal in deciding the issues related to legal aspects of employee employment which may arise in the course of daily activities. We prepare legal opinions on the issues being of interest to our Clients, presenting comprehensive solutions and possible plans of action together with legal consequences resulting therefrom. The range of issues covers also prevention of discrimination at work, elimination of mobbing or protection of moral rights of employers and employees.

Important legal instruments:



German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch, abbr “BGB”)

The Act of 26 June 1974, Labour Code (Kodeks pracy, abbr. “KP”)

The Act on Protection against Contract Termination (Kündigungsschutzgesetz abbr “KSchG”)

The Act of 13 March 2003 on special rules for terminating employment relationship with employees for reasons not relating to employees(Ustawa o szczególnych zasadach rozwiązywania z pracownikami stosunków pracy z przyczyn niedotyczących pracowników)

The Act on Introduction of the Universal Minimum Remuneration (Gesetz zur Regelung des allgemeinen Mindestlohns abbr “MiLoG”)

The Act of 10 October 2002 on the Minimum Remuneration for Work (Ustawa o minimalnym wynagrodzeniu za pracę)

The Act on Employee Delegation (Arbeitnehmer-Entsendegesetz abbr “AEntG”)

The Act of 9 July 2003 on Temporary Employment (Ustawa o zatrudnianiu pracowników tymczasowych)

The Act on Remuneration for the Time of Incapacity to Work (Entgeltfortzahlungsgesetz abbr “EFZG”)

The Act of 27 August 1997 on Occupational and Social Rehabilitation of the Disabled. (Ustawa o rehabilitacji zawodowej i społecznej oraz o zatrudnianiu niepełnosprawnych)

Federal Act on Annual Leaves(Bundesurlaubsgesetz abbr “BUrlG”)

The Act of 23 May 1991 on Trade Unions(Ustawa o związkach zawodowych)

The Act on Working Time (Arbeitszeitgesetz abbr “ArbZG”)

The Act on Part-time Work and Employment for a Specified Period (Teilzeit- und Befristungsgesetz abbr “TzBfG”)

The Act on Protection of Professionally Active Mothers (Gesetz zum Schutz der erwerbstätigen Mutter abbr “MuSchG”)