In times of the economy which is largely based on knowledge and modern technologies, we help our Clients to pull themselves together in a maze of regulations concerning the broadly understood intellectual and industrial property.

We deal with the issues concerning copyrights in both personal and material aspect thereof.

Our services include:

  • preparation of draft licence agreements, agreements for transfer, rental or lease of rights;

  • preparation of legal opinions in the area of copyright and industrial property law;

  • assistance in registering a trademark, utility model or patent with the Federal Office for Patent and Trademark protection (BAPM), the Office for Harmonization of the Internal Market (OHIM) and the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland;

  • representation before competent courts and government offices in disputes with third parties.

Thanks to cooperation with patent agents in Poland, we also provide representation before the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland.



The Act on Copyright and Related Rights (Gesetz über Urheberrecht und verwandte Rechte, abbr “UrhG”) The Act of 4 February 1994 on Copyright and related rights (Ustawa o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych)
The Act on Copyright to the Works of Visual Art and Photographs (Kunsturheberrechtsgesetz abbr “KUG”)
The Act on Protection of Trademarks and other Designations (Gesetz über den Schutz von Marken und sonstigen Kennzeichen, abbr “MarkenG”) The Act of 30 June 2000, Industrial Property Law(Prawo własności przemysłowej)
The Act on Legal Protection of decorative Patterns(Gesetz über den rechtlichen Schutz von Design abbr “GeschmMG”)
The Patent Law (Patentgesetz abbr “PatG”)
The Act on Utility Models (Gesetz über Gebrauchsmuster abbr “GebrMG”) The Act of 27 July 2001 on Protection of Databases (Ustawa o ochronie baz danych)